Service & Fees Information
This page provides all the details you need about the services offered by Strong Minds Psychology, along with options for bookings. Explore our range of support services and easily schedule an appointment that works for you. If you have any questions or need guidance, we’re here to assist.
Video: Values & Service Provision Information
Frequently Asked Questions
What psychology supports do you offer?
Areas for support or intervention are varied, & include anxiety, depression, self-esteem, emotional regulation, grief & loss, social communication, positive behaviour support, gender & sexuality, stress. We focus on improving functional engagement in day to day life, with goals focused around the client &/or their family or system (e.g. school, workplace).
Intervention can be provided in a 1:1 manner, but we also have options for group intervention, which is an excellent way to help generalise skills & move towards goals effectively.
Parent/carer support is also available, either as part of the time working with a young person, or working only with the team who are around the young person.
Family & individual support related to identity &/or functional impacts following the identification of a developmental delay, or a diverse neurotype, such as Autism or ADHD.
Assessments & modifications support can be provided for learning difficulties & school engagement, & attendance at Student Support Group meetings is available. Assessment packages are available from pre-school age through to adulthood & include:
- Cognitive assessment (IQ testing)
- Academic assessment
- Vocational assessment
- Adaptive functioning
- Autism assessment
- ADHD assessment
Positive Behaviour Support Plans are completed for participants requiring this support under NDIS. We complete these plans with a focus on quality of life & meaning for the participant & offer training following completion of the collaborative plan.
How long does an intervention / counselling booking go for?
What age groups do you work with?
Where do you work?
What days and times are you open?
How can I book an appointment?
How does funding work?

Referrals & Rebates
Welcome to our FAQ section for Referrals & Rebates. Here, we’ve compiled answers to the most common questions about our referral program and rebate offerings.
Whether you’re looking to understand eligibility criteria, or find out how to redeem your benefits, this page has all the information you need. If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for more assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of funding subsidies are you registered for?
- NDIS – Registered Provider for Improved Daily Living & Improved Relationships
- Capacity Building
- Early Childhood
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Rebates through:
- Medicare
- Mental Health Treatment Plan
- Enhanced Care Plan
- Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders and eligible disabilities
- Private Health Insurance – depending on level of cover, contact your provider
- Traffic Authority Commission (TAC)
- WorkCover
- Victims of Crime Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS)
- Medicare